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Evento de networking para las convocatorias del Clúster 5, Clima, Energía y Movilidad - Horizon Europe Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility International Networking Event

18, 19 y 20 de octubre de 2021, Online

The three day networking event will cover informative sessions about the Horizon Europe Cluster 5 calls topics, pitching sessions for the presentation of ideas & competences and finding partner alternatives for consortiums and one-to-one partnering meetings.

The event aims at bringing together participants from Europe and Turkey, coming from both research and industrial communities working in related fields. This will not only give you the unique opportunity to connect with Turkish and European researchers to discuss Horizon Europe Cluster 5 project ideas, but also get first-hand information about the upcoming calls.

This event will be an excellent platform to expand your network and create new partnerships for the upcoming calls.

Registrations are open until 15 October 2021

Information & Registration: