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Italian SME is looking for EU and foreign partner in vacuum packed food sector to test and validate a visual sensor sticker to check and preserve food freshness



Last update

Fri, Jul, 24, 2020


Sat, Jul, 24, 2021


Italian SME, located in North West of Italy, specialized in material engineering is looking for partners to test and validate an innovative visual sensor sticker able to preserve and check the freshness of vacuum packed food. The company is willing to establish a technology cooperation agreement with agrofood manufacturing companies or food vacuum packaging machines producers with proven experience in vacuum packaging systems for food.


Italian knowledge-based SME, located in North West of Italy, founded in 2015 and specialized in engineering materials, developed and patented an innovative visual sensor sticker that can be inserted in packaging, closure or container to detect the presence of oxygen and carbon dioxide in vacuum-packed food.

This simple and small sticker is composed of three layers: permeable polymer sheet, sensitive sheet, and bi-adhesive sheet. It is sensitive to carbon dioxide and thus changes color from purple to blue due to either air leakage inside the packaging or to carbon dioxide produced by food degradation.

The company is willing to establish a technology cooperation agreement with agrofood manufacturing companies or food vacuum packaging machines producers to test and validate the sticker and integrate it into partner products.

Technology Keywords

Detection and Analysis methods;Food Microbiology / Toxicology / Quality Control;Micro- and Nanotechnology related to agrofood

Keyword Codes:


Current Stage of Development

Intellectual Property Rights

Patents granted

IPR Comments:

Exploitation of RTD Results

Organisation/Company Type

Organisation/Company Size

Organisation Comments

The SME is looking for 2 kind of technology partners with proven experience in vacuum packaging systems for food. In particular: 1. agrofood manufacturing companies that produce and sell in EU and foreign markets vacuum packed food, i.e. producer of coffee, fresh pasta, fresh vegs, dried fruit, rice, meat, etc. The sticker can be easily integrated in the packed food. The partner sought has competence in managing packaging system, has vacuum packaging machines in its production line and is willing to test and validate the visual sensor in its packaging. 2.companies producing vacuum packaging machines for food interested to include the visual sensor sticker in their offer to final clients. The partner sought has proven experience in developing vacuum packaging machines for agrofood manufacturing companies or for agrofood retailers - supermarkets, minimarkets, food shops - that sell their fresh food in vacuum packaging, i.e. cheese, meat, cold cuts, fresh vegs... The partner is willing to integrate the visual sticker in his packaging system and has the competence to test and validate it. The Italian SME will offer know-how and technological support to industrialize and integrate the device into partners products

Detailed Market Application Codes (VEIC)

MA Keyword

Health food;Packing products and systems;Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Animal Husbandry & Related Products

MA Keyword Codes:


Application Domain Description:

Collaboration Type


Agrofood manufacturing companies that sell their product in vacuum packaging, i.e. producer of coffee, fresh pasta, fresh vegs, dried fruit, rice, meat, etc.

Companies producing vacuum packaging machines for food interested to include the visual sensor sticker in their offer to the final client.

The role of partners sought will be to test, validate and integrate the visual sensor stickers for food freshness in their products

Additional info about TT Profile

Preferred countries for diffusion