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Lithuanian state-owned enterprise is looking for a solution on how automatically log plane movements in the airports



Last update

Fri, Jul, 31, 2020


Sun, Aug, 01, 2021


Lithuanian state-owned enterprise that unites and manages Lithuanian airports, offers a wide range of services for the aviation industry. Currently, data on plane movements at the airport is collected manually and stored in spreadsheets or other systems. They seek to automate tracking of plane movements and procedures using visual material from available cameras at the airport.​ Potential cooperation types might be licence or technical cooperation agreement.


Lithuanian state-owned enterprise unites and manages Lithuanian airports, develops the activities of the three airports in a coordinated manner, offers a wide range of services, as well as high standards of the quality of service rendered to passengers and partners. The airport network provides an opportunity to diversify activities and priorities of each one of them as well as to supplement Lithuanian transport system in a co-ordinated manner.

Currently, data on plane movements at the airport is collected manually and stored in spreadsheets or other systems. The data is then „cleaned“ and is sent manually or through radio waves to responsible institutions. The problem is affecting all of the institutions working at the airports and the problem is encountered on a global scale too. Collecting information manually can lead to human error, human resources are wasted and data collected is limited in its quality and extensiveness. Without the necessary information, decision-making takes longer, planes are forced to stay idle. In other words, the fact that operations in the airport are organized with a static schedule and not an ad-hoc dynamic system is detrimental to the effectiveness of the airport. Moreover, there is no automated control of illegal movements in the airport (especially in the vulnerable takeoff area). ​

Lithuanian state-owned enterprise seeks to automate tracking of plane movements and procedures using visual material from available cameras at the airport.

The possible type of partnerships between selected start-ups or growth companies may be for example licence agreement (buy a license) and technical cooperation agreement (need a technology to be developed).

IMPORTANT NOTE: This technology request is part of an innovation challenge and is published on an open innovation platform. The innovation challenge is focused on encouraging the creation and use of innovative solutions for the government. The application deadline is 23rd August. If a company/startup/innovator expresses interest in cooperation with this Lithuanian organization before closing date, it will be guided towards this open innovation platform where it can submit a proposal. The proposed solutions are presented at the Pitch Day, where all stakeholders gather in order to hear pitches proposed for the challenge. The best pitches are then selected after consultation with a panel of judges – experts that understand what will have the biggest impact. The selected teams proceed to the next phase of the innovation challenge – Accelerator process in which their ideas become prototypes and later products. If the solution is working properly, the governmental organization is ready to start the procurement processes.

Technology Keywords

Automation, Robotics Control Systems;Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Keyword Codes:


Current Stage of Development

Intellectual Property Rights

IPR Comments:

Exploitation of RTD Results

Organisation/Company Type

Organisation/Company Size

Organisation Comments

Key functions: - The identification of the plane number, status recognition for when the plane touches the ground and ends landing, data collection on the duration of movement on the ground, the end of movement, parking, engine turn-off and turn-on, boarding, refuelling, filling the baggage, charging, standby, takeoff and other information - all in an automated manner, using video cameras; - Collected data is sent to other relevant service systems; -The algorithms will detect risks and inform relevant airport services; - A dashboard displaying KPIs, passthrough and the advancement in the execution of operations and standalone events; - A system allowing the comparison of airline and service efficiency; - The system has a built-in AI which teaches itself and proposes suggestions and signals for improvements in operation; - The system is a source of inspiration of A-CDM implementation.

Detailed Market Application Codes (VEIC)

MA Keyword

Artificial intelligence related software;Machine vision software and systems

MA Keyword Codes:


Application Domain Description:

Collaboration Type


Lithuanian state-owned enterprise is looking for start-ups and SMEs with ideas that fit the conditions of the desired solution outlined through this challenge.

The cooperation model may vary and might be for example licence agreement and technical cooperation agreement but the exact form of cooperation might be defined between the potential partners.

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