Basque Enterprise Europe Network

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Non-recyclable waste to become urban design objects



Last update

Tue, May, 18, 2021


Wed, May, 18, 2022


An Italian company has developed a process for the storage of non recyclable waste into glass objects for urban design.
The obejcts result of the process, are patented, and may be further exploited into furniture objects in cities.
The company is interested in finding public partners (municipalities), or private partners (engineering companies, construction, furniture companies), to develop real use cases and start commercialization (joint venture or technical cooperation).


Waste production is inevitable and often the disposal has a high cost for society and the environment.
A company has protected a technological process that makes it possible to reduce and confine non-recyclable wastes without releasing eco-destructive pollutants. The product obtained, a "waste light tree", is patented and made of concentric glass disks which, with games of light, create a pleasant visual effect. The size of the discs and their colors can vary depending on the waste incorporated.
The idea behind is to reduce deposits in landfills and enlarge commitment by institutions and individual citizens for environmental protection, through furnishing open areas or public spaces.
The company is interested in finding partners that may be interested in further exploiting the patent through joint development, or through technical cooperation agreements, for the realization of the objects to become urban furniture ones.

Technology Keywords

Integrated waste-energy processes;Waste to energy - other;Process optimisation, waste heat utilisation;Waste disinfection / detoxification

Keyword Codes:


Current Stage of Development

Intellectual Property Rights

Patents granted,Trade Marks

IPR Comments:

Product patented, process and product covered by Trade marks.

Exploitation of RTD Results

Organisation/Company Type

Organisation/Company Size

Organisation Comments

Detailed Market Application Codes (VEIC)

MA Keyword

Water treatment equipment and waste disposal systems;Water, sewerage, chemical and solid waste treatment plants

MA Keyword Codes:


Application Domain Description:

Collaboration Type


Company may be interested in public or private partners for joint venture agreements or technical cooperation agreements:
- public partners interested in integrating such process and technology into their waste management services and applications;
- private partners interested in joint-venture agreements to further develop the process and products into commercially viable cases and objects.

Additional info about TT Profile

Preferred countries for diffusion