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Russian developer of water treatment technology is looking for manufacturing orders



Last update

Tue, May, 25, 2021


Wed, May, 25, 2022


The Russian company from the Sverdlovsk region has developed innovative technologies for the treatment of storm and waste waters, purification from radionuclides and purification and conditioning of drinking water. The technologies have been introduced by a number of large Russian companies. The company works in partnership with the project company and can implement various projects based on the technical conditions of the clients. The company is ready for manufacturing agreements.


The company of the Sverdlovsk region since 1991 specializes in research and production activities. The company has extensive experience in the field of audit and inspection of water management and the introduction of water treatment technologies for various industries.
The company has developed technologies for the treatment of multicomponent effluents of industrial wastewater from heavy and non-ferrous metal ions, providing a higher degree of purification compared to existing analogues. In addition, the technology allows reducing the water consumption of industrial enterprises through the use of circulating cycles and the return of treated water to the system.
The company offers technologies for cleaning stormwater and wastewater, radionuclide water purification, water treatment technology, purification and conditioning of drinking water. Technologies have been introduced at 10 large enterprises in Russia, including metallurgical and chemical ones. The technology is based on the use of hydrosols sorbents that do not have world-class counterparts and innovative settling tanks - flocculators.
The developed sorbents have the following advantages:
• Effectively remove heavy and non-ferrous metals;
• Possess in excess of stoichiometric sorption with respect to recoverable components;
• Do not change the pH of the solution and its salt and component composition;
• Non-toxic and biologically inert;
• Much cheaper than existing analogues.
• Effectively adsorb various organic pollutants and petroleum products.
This technology allows to provide a low residual content of pollutants in purified water and significantly increase the utilization rate of water.
The assessment of the applicability of the technology is determined on the basis of the initial data received from the client. After this, a technical assignment is being prepared.
Depending on the tasks, the Russian company can offer the following works:
- Development of the project of new treatment facilities;
- Modernization of existing treatment facilities;
- Supply of reagents;
- Development of new technologies in existing wastewater treatment plants.
As part of the manufacturing agreement, we need partners (industrial enterprises) who have water in circulation and need purification technologies.

Technology Keywords

Other Industrial Technologies;Cleaning Technology

Keyword Codes:


Current Stage of Development

Intellectual Property Rights

Secret Know-how

IPR Comments:

Exploitation of RTD Results

Organisation/Company Type

Organisation/Company Size

Organisation Comments

Detailed Market Application Codes (VEIC)

MA Keyword

Speciality/performance materials: producers and fabricators;Water treatment equipment and waste disposal systems

MA Keyword Codes:


Application Domain Description:

Collaboration Type


Type: Industrial plants that have water in circulation, metallurgy, chemistry, mining industry, motor transportation enterprises, mechanical engineering, oil refining
Role: search for orders for the production of products of the Russian company, the preparation of technical specifications.

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