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Methods to produce fine bubbles in viscous mixes



Last update

Tue, Jun, 01, 2021


Wed, Sep, 29, 2021


A UK company is foaming mineral mixes with viscosity similar to toothpaste, into low density panels with good thermal conductivity. Conventional propellants and peroxides produce bubbles considered to be too big. Industry or academia with expertise in forming fine bubbles to improve mechanical and thermal properties, are being sought for technical cooperation followed by license or commercial agreement with technical assistance.


An East of England company is developing an inorganic mineral foam insulation core for building applications. They are currently achieving thermal conductivity slightly worse than mineral wool. For the novel insulation to be attractive to manufacturers, it needs to be no worse than mineral wool.
There is data to suggest the properties will increase with improved foaming techniques. The company is trialling with peroxides and propellants that yield bubbles averaging 1 mm. Smaller bubbles are likely to reduce density, improve issues with friability, and thermal conductivity.
Methods and materials are being sought to foam the mix that in terms of viscosity is similar to toothpaste.
The type of cooperation will depend on the stage of development of a solution. Some technical cooperation will be needed, followed by either licensing the method in, or acquiring reagents or technology under a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Technology Keywords

Materials Handling Technology (solids, fluids, gases);Properties of Materials, Corrosion/Degradation;Lightweight materials;Inorganic Chemistry

Keyword Codes:


Current Stage of Development

Intellectual Property Rights

IPR Comments:

Exploitation of RTD Results

Organisation/Company Type

Organisation/Company Size

Organisation Comments

The mineral mixes with a viscosity similar to toothpaste needs to be foamed up to low densities (ca 100 kg/m3) whilst the pore size remains significantly below 1 mm on average. The mixes comprise different alkaline media and cementitious materials. Ideally, data exists around thermal conductivity for proposed methods.

Detailed Market Application Codes (VEIC)

MA Keyword

Manufacture of construction materials, components and systems

MA Keyword Codes:


Application Domain Description:

Collaboration Type


Type of partner sought: industry or academia.
Specific activity of partner sought: people or groups in materials science with expertise in foaming mixes with a view to improve the mechanical and thermal properties.
Role of partner sought: cooperate technically to trial their methods or materials on the UK company’s mixes. A good solution can be transferred under a license agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Additional info about TT Profile

Preferred countries for diffusion