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COVID-19: A Greek company offers an autonomous disinfection robot which can independently navigate in buildings during non-working hours and eliminate pathogens, including COVID, seeks facilities owners or administrators of big offices, logistics centers,



Last update

Thu, Jun, 03, 2021


Fri, Jun, 03, 2022


A Greek robotics SME company offers a collaborative robot that can navigate autonomously and without any human intervention in corporate or industrial workspaces and disinfect them during non-working hours. The robot eliminates the 99.9% of pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19, to prepare them for use the next day. The company is interested in approaching facility owners or administrators for commercial agreements with technical assistance.


A Greek SME company active in the field of robotics is offering a collaborative robot that can navigate autonomously, without any human intervention in corporate and industrial workspaces and disinfect them during non-working hours. The robot eliminates significantly, up to 99.9%, the pathogens such as bacteria and viruses that exist in surfaces. The result is that next day the surfaces are pathogen free and ready to be used safely by the personnel.
The robot is suitable to various large-scale environments. It is offered in two versions, using dry cloud fogging or UVC technology, which allow penetrating into difficult areas such as the keyboard keys of office computers, dooring knobs etc. It is noted that the diameter of the particles affected is less than 10μm, therefore it does not leave moisture which affects sensitive electronics and contributes drastically to the reflux quality of air-conditions. Technologically, the robot is fully programmable, it uses 360-degree laser sensors and 3D cameras which allows them to move with 100% safely and avoid obstacles. Moreover, it is environmental friendly as it calculates the shorter route every time in order to save energy from its battery. In the same time, it does not affect the room temperature to which it intervenes. Finally, the Greek department of the famous Pasteur Institute, confirmed its effectiveness, after having tested the disinfection capacity of the robot.
The company is looking for facility owners and administrators. Facilities can be offices, factories, warehouses, distribution centers, airports, hotels, banks, entertainment areas, shopping malls and other industrial and corporate buildings. The collaboration sought is commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Technology Keywords

Automation, Robotics Control Systems;Applications for Health

Keyword Codes:


Current Stage of Development

Intellectual Property Rights


IPR Comments:

Exploitation of RTD Results

Organisation/Company Type

Organisation/Company Size

Organisation Comments

Detailed Market Application Codes (VEIC)

MA Keyword

Hospital and other institutional management;Hotels and resorts;Other industrial equipment and machinery;Process control and logistics;Office furniture and other professional furnishings

MA Keyword Codes:


Application Domain Description:

Collaboration Type


The company is looking for facility owners or administrators. The facilities could be of any kind, such as hospitals, hotels, logistic centers, warehouses, offices, corporate buildings, shopping malls, airports etc. The Greek company is able to provide easy launch and quick & reliable operation of the robot in the designating facility. The collaboration sought is commercial agreement with technical assistance.

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