Basque Enterprise Europe Network

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New e-hailing ride service platform to efficiently connect customers with multiple pre-approved transporters, and confirming availability for moving freight in less than 30 minutes of booking.



Last update

Mon, Jun, 21, 2021


Sun, Jun, 19, 2022


A Spanish software company developed a new platform that connects customers with transporters by publishing a load requests that are immediately seen by most of the transport companies that can respond confirming truck availability and cost within 30 minutes with no other interference. A client pushes one button to confirm and trucks start moving to loading points with all updates visible on the platform. The technology is at concept stage and the company is looking for financial agreement.


The long haul freight transport in Spain is growing steadily each year. In the last 5 years it has increased by 30% , meaning that there was more than 200 millions of operations with an average distance transported of 160Km per Tn. However, over 40% of these operations are performed with trucks that are absolutely empty.
This situation describes a huge opportunity, which can be measured as an equivalent value of 1,5 Billion € per year which is wasted.
To tackle this issue, a Spanish company has developed an innovative online platform able to revolutionize the way customers and transport companies connect to negotiate, arrange and monitor deliveries. The platform accessible on any device allows customers to plan their loads, giving them the options to manually load details or manage multiple loads via a bulk upload function.

Once a customer publishes a load request, transporters receive immediate notification either of allocated loads or loads open for bidding. This eliminates the need for daily multiple phone calls and emails between customers and transporters. The bidding platform allows confirmation of availability and best price within 30 minutes of the customer publishing the load. On allocation, the transporters selected by the customer will simply book allocated loads via the platform. All the customer has to do is to select the best bid or confirm booked loads, then sit back while the platform and the transport companies handle the rest. No e-mails, no phone calls.
Confirmed transporters will update all relevant truck information and collection and delivery details on the platform. All updates will immediately be visible for the customer to monitor the progress.
Live platform updates reduce the need for frustrating e-mails and phone calls between customers and transporters resulting in a 20% reduction in administration costs and 70% reduction in telephone costs for both parties.
Every transport company or transporter goes through a strict bidding process to ensure a reliable service. Once transporters have confirmed completion of delivery by updating all relevant information, they will also upload proof of delivery. As always, all information on the platform is visible to the customer. The platform also handles all payments allowing customers and transporters to deal with one vendor.

To date the technology is developed only at a concept stage and the company is looking for a financial agreement with partners interested in investing in a promising technology.

Technology Keywords

Applications for Transport and Logistics

Keyword Codes:


Current Stage of Development

Intellectual Property Rights


IPR Comments:

Exploitation of RTD Results

Organisation/Company Type

Organisation/Company Size

Organisation Comments

Detailed Market Application Codes (VEIC)

MA Keyword

Communications/networking;Applications software

MA Keyword Codes:


Application Domain Description:

Collaboration Type


The company would like to consolidate its activity and presence in the market in order to establish itself as the company of reference in the segment of logistics for freight transport. Therefore, the company is looking for investors under a financial agreement that can support them with business development.

Additional info about TT Profile

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